União de duas técnicas : REIKI   MASSAGEM DE SOM. Ambas as técnicas conjugam-se na perfeição, aliando o melhor e o potencial de ambas terapias.

O Reiki através da imposição das mãos e massagem de som através do sentir da vibração das taças, podendo ser trabalhadas tanto na aura como em contacto com o corpo.

O relaxamento através do som das taças é imediato, dá-se a descontracção rápida muscular e o relaxamento da mente. O receptor fica fisicamente e mentalmente receptivo ao fluir da energia.


Reiki-Sound is a combined system of tradicional Reiki with Sound Massage with Tibetan Bowls.

Using the sound vibration of the tibetan singing bowls to prepare the body to receive the universal energy.
Restoring the balance in the body and encouraging deep relaxation.
The bowls are struck with a felt mallet creating vibration and directing to tensed or blocked area of your body.
It leads to disolving the stagnant energy and then restoring the energetic balance.

The rich overtones can take you into a very deep place inside yourself - clarity & insight may appear.


  • Deep relaxation
  • Mental clarity
  • Alleviating physical pain, - Pain relief
  • Increasing the harmonious functioning of cells, tissues and organs
  • Relieving of tension and blockages
  • Releasing of toxins from the body
  • Releasing of mental and emotional pain: low self-esteem, worries, fears, anxiety and depression
  • Increasing self-confidence, creative and productive potential
  • Transmute stagnant or negative energies
  • Breakthrough patterns 
  • Balancing chakras